Children’s Support Program

The inspiration for this program came from our daughter, Sella, whose childhood has been deeply impacted by the harsh realities of camp life. Seeing her stolen innocence alongside the countless children in the camp, we decided to take action.  

Sella with children

Sella with children in camp

This program show the role of our family in Supporting Children , its was designed to offer psychological and emotional support to children through simple yet impactful activities. Our aim was to create a safe and joyful environment where children could:  

- Engage in recreational activities.  

- Enjoy access to toys and basic educational materials.  

- Receive clean water and meals.  

We envisioned this program as an escape for children—a way for them to find moments of happiness and relief from the daily fear and uncertainty of camp life.  

Our Vision

Our vision included creating a dedicated children’s space equipped with:  

  1. Educational Materials and Games:** To support their learning and development.  

  2. Television and Recreational Activities:** To bring moments of joy and entertainment.  

  3. Electricity Saving Solutions:** Given the lack of electricity in the camp, we planned to use simple system:  

  •   Solar panel (620 watts) costing $3,000.  

  •   Two 200-amp batteries totaling $5,000.  

  •   A power converter costing $1,000.  

In addition, the preparation and rental of the venue required $1,000. This space was intended to serve approximately 30 children, divided into two groups for effective participation.  

Unfortunately, this program is currently discontinued due to lack of funding. We remain hopeful that with your support, we can revive it and restore some basic rights to these children.  

If you’d like to contribute, please contact us via email or WhatsApp to donate via PayPal or other methods. We will ensure complete transparency by sharing all donations and updates on the program on this page.  


Drinking Water Support Program


Playing with sella : A Child's World in a Tent